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The Butterfly

The butterfly effect is the idea that small, seemingly inconsequential things can result in an unexpectedly large outcome – like a butterfly flapping its wings causing a typhoon halfway across the world. It’s the belief that nothing exists in isolation.

How we manage one resource (time, money, space, etc.) can often seem completely disconnected from how we manage everything else. However, anyone who has meal planned knows that time available to cook can change a lot in a budget. No resource in the home exists in isolation.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. Homes are good because we keep trying to do the best we can with what we have. Small changes can have big effects.

In university, I was an Interdisciplinary Studies major, studying multiple disciplines (Event Planning and Catering, Home and Family, and Technical Theater).

I noticed that my different areas of study all taught ways of using what they had to compensate for whatever resources they lacked, whether that be time, money, knowledge, or something else. I fused lessons from these disciplines to understand how we can use the household resources we have to help us with what we lack.

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